My new stud dog "BC Hugo" arrived
So happy my new boy "Hugo" arrived at our ranch today 03/08/2019!!
Both of us managed the flight good, even even Hugo seemed way more relaxed than me (I was always concerned, how he´s doing during the flight). There was no need to worry, he is such a cool dog!!!
Our 8 other dogs welcomed him friendly.... Integration acomplished :-D
I am very happy and I am curious about our further.
Unfortunately, I have to say that Tres was not up to my expectations, neither in her character, nor in terms of working stock, why I deciden not to buy or bring her home.
Vor dem langen Flug den Vormittag in Seattle bei /inem langen Spaziergang gemeinsam genossen:
(Lincoln Park, Alki Beach, Don Armeni Boat Ramp Park)

Waiting for the Check-In....sharing the sandwich like brothers ;-)

What, no Sandwich left??

On the way with light luggage (LOL) - Check in:

Arrival in Frankfurt: Hugo chilled(or a little sleepy!?)

Home Sweet Home: Hugo a little colored spot in my pack :-D